All Wednesday night activities at Emmanuel take place from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
Pastor's Bible Study - our Pastor's class meets in the auditorium and studies the Bible verse by verse in a very casual, informative way. This class is primarily for adult men and women of all ages.
Ladies Bible Study - our ladies Bible study is led by our Pastor's wife, Patti Custar. This class studies various topical Christian books and short term Bible studies. New studies begin every 6 to 12 weeks depending on the current study in progress. This class meets in choir room and is primarily for adult women.
Youth Bible Study - all youth (grades 7 - 12) meet in our youth room under the leadership of our Pastor's son, Josiah Custar. Students sing, pray and study Scripture together in a worship service designed for teenagers.
eKids - all children (4 years old to the 6th grade) meet in three different age graded classes that study the Bible through exciting curriculums. This is a systematic study of the Bible using teaching, memorization, videos, games, and activities.
All children younger than 4 years old, meet in our nursery and toddler areas.